We are now offering Kemetic Name readings on our services page. Please enjoy this video withmore info about names
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/list_7389091_spiritual-properties-frankincense-myrrh.html#ixzz2j7VN49R7 We give t'Ankhs and praises for the divine energy of the Khepera Retreat. Khepera means transformation and the weekend was definitly a transforming experience for those who participated. We hold retreats to have our kemetic reiki classes and we have purification rites during the weekend as well. The goal is to use the elements air, fire, water and earth to assist us in clearing levels of toxins from our mental, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies. We were blessed to have a sweat lodge to open the weekend of healing rites. The sweat lodge is a Native American and Afrikan tradition to clear and purify the body of toxins. During the lodge we pray and chant for our healing and the healing of the world. We sang, laughed, cried, and released in the ways of the ancient ones. We made and were blessed with a spiritual bath made with herbs and flowers growing around us. Lessons were shared by Qamarah of Qamarah's healing hands, Aura Agape of Herbs n Spice, and Brother Sol. We enjoyed delicious raw food by our Healing Brother Kemetic Yogi. We learned about crystals, working with pendulums and spirit guides. Each retreat is similar, but not quite the same. We will post our retreat schedule for next year very soon. Stay posted and enjoy the pics. Love and light We hope you enjoy this meditation from our Sunrise Ritual CD . It is available for download here http://rasekhi.bandcamp.com/album/sunrise-ritual-cd It is available as a CD here Proceeds from this project go towards our building fund. We appreciate your support There are many different spirits on this realm with us right now. Many of them are negative forces and so it is very important that we protect ourselves spiritually from these types of energy. There are levels of negative forces and so the medicine or protection needed depends on the situation. You can be virtually immune from negative influences if you live with good character and don’t pollute yourself with the toxins of the world. However since we live on earth and this is a continuous journey ascension we have to take steps to protect ourselves Some tips to spiritually protect yourself and your family
Some excerpts are from the book Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki Level 2 I am known as Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet. I am an author, healer, priestess, artist and entrepreneur. I am 43, a mother of 4 children and also the guardian of my 11 year old niece since my sister passed earlier this year. I was raised in Chicago so I grew up with a level of consciousness of Black History and truth. I healed myself intuitively when I was 16, immediately after graduating high school. I actively began my journey through a book club in college. I committed myself to work to uplift my people at 21 after an initiation into the SACD at FAMU. I received a BS in Social Science from Florida State in 1993. I started my own business Nia Designs, in 1991. I made and sold jewelry since then at festivals and to stores on the East Coast and Midwest. I read Heal Thyself by Queen Afua in 1993 and begin to change my eating habits. I locked my hair and began studying deeply. I taught in Afrikan centered schools between 1993 and 2000. I taught health, physical education, black history, Swahili, entrepreneurship, math, science, yoga, art and crafts to children of all ages. I was attuned as a Reiki master in 2000. I was initiated as a general initiate into the mysteries of the Akan people of Ghana in 2000. I also began to facilitate Sacred Woman gateways when the book came out in 2000, which I continued to do until this year. I became a fasting/detox therapist and Heal Thyself Ambassador of Wellness in 2006. I received my certification as a Wholistic health practitioner from Dr Llaila Afrika in 2006. I was charged to teach energy healing to our community and I begin teaching Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki in Chicago 2007. Ra Sekhi Arts Temple was founded in 2007. I was initiated as a priestess of Sango, Yemaya and Oya in 2008. I have worshipped with Christians, Jehovahs Witness, Muslims, Rastas, Buddhists, Wiccans, Native Americans, Akan, Yoruba, Vodun, and NGE. I’ve found truth and right in them all. All spiritual systems teach people to live right. This is the main lesson I have learned on the journey, It's about living right, the names serve to divide us. Last year I published my first book Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki Level 1 to share ancient techniques of healing to our community. This year I published Level 2 for those who want to help heal others. I have also written articles for three other books: Sistah Vegan, Natural Dread of Atlanta, and Magical Calabash. We have over 200 students in cities across the US, some in Canada and one in Martinique. Our goals are to promote health and wellness in our community and to build a healing academy that teaches our ancient healing sciences to all ages. Ankh Udja Seneb My life with music begin as a child listening to music in the basement with my father. At 5 yrs old he filled my head with the music of the day. He played everything from the Temptations, Parliament Funkadelic,Curtis Mayfield, The Last Poets and a variety of disco music which he brought home from trips to NYC. He still does not realize how much those times shaped me to be the person I am. Lyrics from Niggers are Scared of Revolution rang thru my head thru my life, helped me to see the world differently from the beginning and led me to play them for my own children. Then there was the summer days in the south with my Grandmother who was in the church choir. She made sure I was right there with her learning good ole southern baptist songs. The choir days led me to take choir in high school. So I sang in the choir for a couple of years, learning to sing from the same woman who trained R. Kelly back in the day, peace and blessing be with her. Now I was never a lead singer, but I could do back up and harmonize good enough. When I became a mother, singing became an evening ritual. It became my favorite my to put to slmy children to sleep when my they were younger. Singing was a part of the morning circle at the Afrikan centered schools they were in, which I also taught at. Singing was a part of the Spiritual groups and lifestyles I came connected with as an adult. I became connected with sound therapy, using the voice to praise, elevate, heal, bless, worship and just stay balanced. My second sun, Yahshua asked me to by him a mic when he was 15, he told me he wanted to make music. Of course I did and he begin to write rhymes and record. Since then he has been teaching himself to work music programs, he built a little studio and has been recording and performing at local venues around town. He is in school now studying audio production. Before he left we were able to make this project together. Knowing the value of having of music and sounds we pray this work will create a positive vibration and lasting memory to those who hear it. Proceeds from this project will go toward our building fund and Yahshua's college education. We pray it will be a blessing to you and we appreciate your support. Today is Thursday aka Yaa Day... the day of the week I came on the planet. As I came into knowledge of self and of higher consciousness I learned the importance of celebrating your day. The day you were born is your power day. A day when your connection to your higher self is stronger. It is a day when you feel more grounded, yet you can do powerful spiritual work to enhance and elevate yourself. In some tribes of West Afrika a newborn child is called the name of the day they are born. It helps to affirm the energy of who they are when they here the name called. The birth day also helps one know what kind of energy they have and the higher forces that are connected to that day as well. Thursday is associated with Jupiter and the energy of Yaa/Yao, Shango, Heru, and the energies that fight for the right. Friday with Venus and the Love Goddess Energies Osun and Het Heru Saturday is Saturns day and is Amen-Men, Orunmila. Sunday is associated with the Sun and Amen RA and the energies of higher consciousness. Moonday is yes the Moon Day and Yemaya, Adjua, and Auset's day Tues is Mars day the day of the warriors Ogun, Herukhuti and Sekhmet Wednesday is Mercury day the day of unexpected occurences, and those like Eshu and Tehuti are present on this day. You can google a perpetual calender and find the day of the week you were born. When you find out make it a point to celebrate and elevate yourself every week. Much Love and Light |
AuthorNia Yaa, founder of Ra Sekhi Arts Temple...we are here to promote health and wellness....natural living....love...joy...and MAAT Archives
January 2016