![]() Ascension is about learning the lessons, laws, and truths in life and then using that knowledge to manifest your best, highest self. It about being able to look at your own mistakes as well as those of others and make a conscious choice to do the GODLY/ MAATIC thing. Ascension is about raising your vibration, your sekhem, to fight the temptations in life and to stay in alignment with that which is right. Wherever you are you can make a conscious choice to ascend. To live with unconditional love, to live righteously, to do what is best for yourself and others. To ascend is to take care of yourself, take care of your body temple, your mind, and your heart. Ascension is about manifesting yourself as one with THE CREATOR in thought, word and deed. Its about realizing you are free to be the CREATOR OF YOUR LIFE. Ascension is finding peace within that is so strong that nothing shakes it. It is realizing your mission and living it. An initiation is a process or ritual which takes you from one level of consciousness to a higher level of consciousness. After the initiation, practice, work, dedication, fortitude, patience, lessons, experience, and sacrifice you exert will determine your process of ascension. Initiation is a declaration to the universe that you will actively work on your spiritual evolution. Sacrifice is the giving of something of value to receive something of greater value in the future. Sacrifice is made in all initiations, there must be some giving of self in order to receive the blessings from the Spirit Realm. In this case, your fast and weekend in the bush is seen. Though there may be further sacrifice necessary for you to achieve your highest heights. More than anything physical you can give or do for yourself or the Higher Spirits, your time and energy to the work is the greatest sacrifice or offering you can make. Ascension is processing all that you have learned and living it to uplift your self, and your people and to leave the world in a better place than it was before you came here. Will you do what it takes to ascend?
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![]() We give thanks to have the opportunity to go to Oakland CA in Feburary to share Kemetic Reiki Level 1 and 2. We were there last year at the Wholistic Healing Arts Event with Queen Mother Omitola. There were so many beautiful and powerful healers there. We were honored to be a part of the weekend event. It is always a blessing when positive people come together. We connected with so many wonderful people there and are looking forward to seeing our Oakland family again. This year we are going to focus on Kemetic Reiki class Feb 22 and 23. We have made a few additions to our classes to support the highest good for our healing family. We have added more time to each level this year to give ones a chance to truly internalize the info. Each student will also receive level 1 & 2 books, attunement, class instruction, healing session and a pendulum. We will also have members of our healing family there to share support and energy. If you are on the west coast we welcome you to join us. For details and registration visit http://www.rasekhihealing.com/#!classess/c1f2i ![]() We are super excited about the publishing of our new children's book, I Get Energy From the Sun written by Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet. It is a dream come true for me to have written and published this book. Since I became a mother I have loved to read and create stories for my children. I read to my youth every night ( if possible) until they learned to read themselves. It was very important to me to have books for them that were written by Black people. My elders told me it was important to give my youth toys and books with images that look like them, so they would learn to love themselves. As a teacher who has traveled I have seen for myself the difference between those youth who learn knowledge of self and those who don't. If we teach our children to love their skin and be comfortable with themselves as they are, they have a stronger foundation to build their lives on. It is a pleasure for me to bring forth this book. To be a part of the legacy of our ancestors in teaching the youth the truth and instilling a love of self at the same time. Take your children on a journey to learn about the many ways we use energy from the sun. It is perfect to introduce your youth to their aritu/chakras, their aura and more. The beautiful pics are perfect for ages 2 and up. Illustrations by Jacqueline Thompson. This book is available now for only $9.95 + shipping Here Ra Sekhi Healing Ritual from Prema Qadir on Vimeo. |
AuthorNia Yaa, founder of Ra Sekhi Arts Temple...we are here to promote health and wellness....natural living....love...joy...and MAAT Archives
January 2016