Homage to thee, O thou glorious Being, thou who art dowered [with all sovereignty]. O Tem-Heru-Khuti (Tem- Harmakhis), when thou risest in the horizon of heaven a cry of joy goeth forth to thee from all people. O thou beautiful Being, thou dost renew thyself in thy season in the form of the Disk, within thy mother Hathor. Therefore in every place every heart swelleth with joy at thy rising for ever. The regions of the South and the North come to thee with homage, and send forth acclamations at thy rising on the horizon of heaven, and thou illuminest the Two Lands with rays of turquoise-[coloured] light. O Ra, who art Heru-Khuti, the divine man-child, the heir of eternity, self-begotten and self-born, king of the earth, prince of the Tuat (the Other World), governor of Aukert, thou didst come from the Water-god, thou didst spring from the Sky-god Nu, who doth cherish thee and order thy members. O thou god of life, thou lord of love, all men live when thou shinest; thou art crowned king of the gods. The goddess Nut embraceth thee, and the goddess Mut enfoldeth thee at all seasons. Those who are in thy following sing unto thee with joy, and they bow down their foreheads to the earth when they meet thee, the lord of heaven, the lord of the earth, the King of Truth, the lord of eternity, the prince of everlastingness, thou sovereign of all the gods, thou god of life, thou creator of eternity, thou maker of heaven wherin thou art firmly stablished. The Company of the Gods rejoice at thy rising, the earth is glad when it beholdeth thy rays; the people who have been long dead come forth with cries of joy to behold thy beauties every day. Thou goest forth each day over heaven and earth, and thou art made strong each day be thy mother Nut. Thou passest over the heights of heaven, thy heart swelleth with joy; and the Lake of Testes (the Great Oasis) is content thereat. The Serpent-fiend hath fallen, his arms are hewn off, the Knife hath severed his joints. Ra liveth by Maat (Law), the beautiful! The Sektet Boat advanceth and cometh into port. The South and the North, and the West and East, turn to praise thee. O thou First, Great God (PAUTA), who didst come into being of thine own accord, Auset and Nebthet salute thee, they sing unto thee songs of joy at thy rising in the boat, they stretch out their hands unto thee. The Souls of the East follow thee, and the Souls of the West praise thee. Thou art the Ruler of all the gods. Thou in thy shrine hast joy, for the Serpent-fiend Nak hath been judged by the fire, and thy heart shall rejoice for ever. Thy mother Nut is esteemed by thy father Nu.
The beautiful deity who now gives you her deepest love is RAAT. She thanks you for her Transcendence into the UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE of ACCEPTANCE. This goddess is the wife of Ra-Harakhty and is his feminine counterpart in the Initiation process of the Sixth level.
She possesses all the attributes of her husband and also combines within herself extensions of all other goddesses of the earlier levels. She is called "mother of the gods," given the title Raat-Tsaiut, or "Raat of the World," and "Mistress of Heliopolis," anticipating the projection of her powers into the Seventh level as Iusaset, wife of Atum-Ra. Raat is most often shown wearing the Sun disk atop her head. Extending above it are the vulva-horns of Isis and Hathor, the Shuti plumes of Mut and the Uraei serpents of the goddess Wadjet, the epitome of the Higher Nature and Divine Energy. As Isis and Hathor are shown on the First and Second levels as starting to give birth to the Sun of Divine Consciousness within their vulva-horns, so Raat finishes the process. For she is the manifestation of the Sun in full feminine form. The goddess Mut, by wearing the Shuti plumes, demonstrates the initial projection of mental powers on the Third level. Raat, sporting the same plumes, fuses the mental into the Divine energies of the Sun. And the Uraeus serpent above Raat's halo represents the Kundalini's rise and opening of the Third Eye and Crown Chakras of each and every female Initiate who attained to Raat's personification. 42 Laws of MAAT (second translation)
1. I DO NOTHING ISFETIC (WRONG OR EVIL) 2. I DO NOTHING DISHONEST OR UNDERHANDED 3. MY HEART IS NOT COVETOUS 4. I AM NOT RAPACIOUS 5. I DO NOT MURDER HUMAN BEINGS 6. I DO NOT TAMPER WITH MEASURES OR OFFERINGS 7. I DO NOT GIVE SHORT MEASURE 8. I DO NOT STEAL DIVINE PROPERTY 9. I DO NOT SET VERBAL TRAPS 10. I DO NOT STEAL FOOD 11. I AM NOT ARROGANT 12. I DO NOT GO ASTRAY 13. I DO NOT KILL THE NTRU LIVESTOCK 14. I AM NOT OBSTRUCTIVE 15. I DO NOT PLUNDER THE LOAVES WHICH ARE RESERVED 16. I DO NOT GOSSIP 17. I DO NOT BABBLE 18. I DO NOT COVET DIVINE PROPERTY 19. I DO NOT COPULATE WITH OTHER MEN’S WIVES 20. I AM NOT SEXUALLY UNCHASTE 21. I DO NOT INSPIRE FEAR 22. I DO NOT CONSCIOUSLY ERR 23. MY SPEECH IS NOT INFLAMMATORY 24. I AM NOT DEAF TO WORDS OF MAAT (TRUTH) 25. I DO NOT CAUSE UPROAR/ TURMOIL 26. I DO NOT IGNORE (INJUSTICE) OTHER PEOPLE 27. I AM NOT JEALOUS 28. I DO NOT CURSE / BELITTLE OTHER PEOPLE 29. I AM NOT SEXUALLY ABUSIVE / OPPRESSIVE 30. I AM NOT VIOLENT 31. I DO NOT BECOME OBSESSED 32. I AM NOT HYPOCRITICAL (I DO NOT DISSEMBLE / MOCK THE NTRU (OR SELF) 33. I AM NOT GABBY (GARRULOUS) 34. I AM NOT CORRUPT 35. I DO NOT CURSE THE DIVINE KING (LEADER) 36. I DO NOT WADE IN THE WATER (FOR AMUSEMENT DISRUPTING LIFE) 37. I DO NOT BOAST 38. I DO NOT MAKE PEOPLE CURSE NTR 39. I AM NOT CONCEITED 40. I DO NOT PRACTICE FAVORITISM / INEQUITY 41. I DO NOT MAGNIFY MY CREDENTIALS 42. I DO NOT INSULT MY LOCAL DEITY Choose the translation that appeals to your Divine Spirit and chant them daily. This will enhance your connection to MAAT and the Ancient Ones who lived by these high standards. Share them with your children, friends and your family and watch the KHEPRA (transformation) that follows. Tua ![]() "Ra Sekhi is the Truth. It is one of the many principles of nature/neteru that must be utilized to strengthen our bodies, minds and spirits. The Ra Sekhi training and private sessions I received helped me in many ways. The many clients that I have given Ra Sekhi to have come back to me with positive life changing stories that helped them to get back on track with their life's mission. God Bless our divine anointed Sister and Rhekit Khajara for waling the path of self development. Her Divine Appointment to present Ra Sekhi courses and retreats are shining example of what each and every one of us can do when we are living the prinicples of Maat. May every child, woman and man enter the gates to awaken their god given talents, gifts and abilities with peace, health, love, joy and abundance." Kim Yokely Kimochi Body N Sole Sanctuary Kimochi Health N Wellness Event Planning Kimochi Self Care Temple for the Healing Arts and Well Being of All" Kim Yokely Massage Therapist Just wanted to give a testimony. This past weekend we to the RA SEKHI classes 1 & 2, I had been going thru some challenges over the past few years which affected my kidneys which in turn affected my balance. I had been getting Acupuncture and spiritual healing on the last 3 Sundays with Bro. Karim but when you and the sisters in our group did the healing on me I actually felf something leave on my right side and I have been able to stand on one foot without falling. I have my balance back which is something I have not had for a few years. Thank you for the class and the Healing. Khummit Hatshepsitu I have my balance As-Salaam Alakium! (Peace Be Unto You) I'm ever so grateful for this healing system called Ra Sekhi. I've found my purpose in this universe with it. I would've never thought in a million years that I would be in this space at this time! The healing that I've received and have given has been simply amazing. I wouldn't trade it for anything! Thank you SiStar Kajara for your sweet spirit and all your guidance! The Power is truly in our hands! Salaam, Qamarah Muhammad El-Shamesh Qamarah Muhammad El-Shamesh Found my Purpose Greetings and Blessings Sister Kajara, , I trust that this note reaches you in Peace and Harmony. First and foremost, I thank you for sharing your experiences and teachings from SEKHMET, bringing forth the gift of RA SEKHI. It is a blessing indeed to receive this ancient resource for channeling our True Afrikan Powers, Thank You. I recently completed RA SEKHI Level I with Sat Ra Sobukwe-Sodaye and my beloved wife Stacey Fluker on January 21st (in Alabama) and it was a truly enlightening experience for myself, as well as my classmates that I've spoken with. I felt in my heart and spirit, the love and highest intention that was put into the preparation of the course, information and materials, atmosphere, and delicious food. My born day was on Sunday, January 22nd and the Level I course was the perfect gift and segue into my turning 40 years. All that to say that the teachings have become a part of my spiritual practice and overall consciousness. Tommy Fluker Montgomery AL So thankful I am a nubian male who has just finished Ra Sekhi level 1. I had doubts coming into Ra Sekhi, the doubt was not about the program but if it would really help to develop me in my spiritual practice. I have cleansed myself of negative energies, my spiritual senses have opened and I am more aware than I had been coming into this system of healing and the big plus for me is that the ancestors and spirit guides on the other side have spoken out to me and I have connected. I dedicate at least 2 hours a day in practicing all that was taught to me while in Ra Sekhi and I can actually feel the shift in my energy and my character. As I continue to work on myself I can only see myself getting better. The sister Nia (Karahja) is the real deal and can assist you on your spiritual path...the key is...You have to do the work! She has answers and she will help you cleanse yourself inside. Listen to your spirit if you are contemplating the classes. You will not be disappointed. Amun RE Athan (B. Lewis) Tama-Rean
White is known for purification, blessings, complete unity and harmony with the universe. White includes all colors of the spectrum. It represents the source of conscious creation. It will purify the body on the highest level. It will bring peace and com-fort on the highest level. It blocks negativity, brings clarity and coolness, enhances clairvoyance.
Blue is the color of truth, serenity and harmony. Blue is good for cooling, calming, reconstruction, and protecting, blue will help feverish conditions, it will help stop bleeding and will help with nervous conditions. It is very good for burns and soothing the mind. Blue is the color associated with the Great Mothers, spiritual integrity and the Sacred Heart. Electric Blue is known to protect against psychic attack and negative energy. Green is the color of emotional healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings feelings of calm-ness and grounding. It stimulates growth and is good for healing broken bones and tissue damage. Green can be placed around family members who are ill and promotes gen-eral healing. Yellow is the color of intellect and is used for metal stimula-tion. It will help you think quicker and will bring clarity of thought. It is a color associated with the ancestors and the sun, so it is powerful for spiritual upliftment and activation. It is associated with success and fighting against sorcery. excerpt from the book Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki level 1 |
AuthorNia Yaa, founder of Ra Sekhi Arts Temple...we are here to promote health and wellness....natural MAAT Archives
January 2016