We invite you to join our Solstice fast.
We fast to purify ourselves, to raise our vibrations, to gain discipline and spiritual elevation. We also focus our thoughts and prayers as a group for the healing of ourselves, our families, our communities and the world. We chant to restore MAAT to the planet once again. Here are the suggested standards. 21 day group raw fast begins June 1st. Raw food fast means eating 90% to 100 % food that is not cooked. Some cooked food items that are allowed, but not to be taken in abundance are water crakers, roasted seaweed, organic tortilla chips, pita bread. Nuts, seeds and grains should be soaked before consuming them. Eat as much fresh fruit and fresh vegetable as you like. Limit your intake of pasteurized drinks, all drinks you buy from the grocery stores have been pasteurized in some way. Take herbal colon and blood cleansers to assist with your purification. Drinking tea is allowed, you can also make sun tea by adding herbs or tea bags to a glass container with top and sit it in the sun. Enemas and colonics are also suggested during your fast. Salt baths and sauna is helpful to release toxins as well.
AuthorNia Yaa, founder of Ra Sekhi Arts Temple...we are here to promote health and wellness....natural living....love...joy...and MAAT Archives
January 2016