Come forth and meet Mut Kajara, have your book signed, enjoy the discussion and meditation with the Ra Sekhi Family
Tune in tonight at 9 p est for a discussion about intentional communities. Call in 646-478-0337 or log in to Ra Sekhi Radio on blogtalk.
Here is one of our past shows about Food Security
Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Ra Sekhi Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Make sure to send your email address to join us on the webinar and chance to save on our upcoming retreat to Jamaica.
General Raw Food Fast Guidelines Htp to All We thank you for joining us on our 21 day group fast. We fast to purify ourselves, to raise our vibrations, to gain discipline and for spiritual elevation. We also focus our thoughts and prayers as a group for the healing of ourselves, our families, our communities and the world. Here are the suggested standards 21 day group raw fast begins March 1st - March 21st (7 raw, & liquid, 7 Raw). Raw food fast means eating 75% to 100 % food that is not cooked. Some cooked food items that are allowed, but not to be taken in abundance are water crackers, roasted seaweed, organic tortilla chips, pita bread. Nuts, seeds and grains should be soaked before consuming them. Eat as much fresh fruit and fresh vegetable as you like. Limit your intake of pasteurized drinks, all drinks you buy from the grocery stores have been pasteurized in some way. Take herbal colon and blood cleansers to assist with your purification. Drinking tea is allowed, you can also make sun tea by adding herbs or tea bags to a glass container with top and sit it in the sun. Enemas and colonics are also suggested during your fast. Salt baths and sauna is helpful to release toxins as well. Remember to exercise daily. Simple Juicing Reminder Juicing will help to flush parasites from your system along with other waste products. Reminder: Try to stay away from pasteurized juice and juicing in not blending ( smoothie)your food. When we juice we extract the liquid , vitamins, minerals and enzymes. You can do a juice blend or choose to drink the juice of 1 particular fruit or vegetable in a 24hr period. There are many websites with information on juicing if you are not familiar with the process. You can also post your questions and progress in the Face book group. List of things to fast from: Talk Fast: Only speak when you have to. Fast 2-8 hours on any day you chose. Cut down on unnecessary talking everyday. TV Fast: Turn off the TV. Try reading, journal instead, spend quality time with the family. Talk to the children, parents and bond more. Gossip Fast: Lets encourage each other and never mind what so and so is doing. Look inward for those things you need to change. People whom gossip all the time is usually lacking something in his/ her life. We need to up lift each other. Your brothers and sisters are not your enemies. Your feedback is always appreciated, feel free to send questions or comments via email or post them in the Facebook group. We invite you to join us every
Thursday evening at 9pm est for lively discussion about reiki, energy healing, working with the chakras and more. Call in (646) 478-0337 to listen live or listen to our archives Our spirituality is our foundation for how we think, speak and act. It shapes our beliefs, our lifestyle and culture. There are many tribes in Afrika that do not let their youth start school until they are seven years old. Before that time they are spending time at home with Mother, the first teacher, and the family. They are learning about their family culture and lifestyle at this time. They are learning about morals, values, manners, keeping themselves in order, keeping the house in order, how to relate to others within and outside of the family. It is at this time that children also become conscious of Spirituality. When they learn at an early age about the higher powers, the ancestors and the connection that we have with these forces, it creates stronger and more competent individuals. Children who are aware of spirituality tend to have a higher self-esteem, they are more happy and have a sense of security that other youth may not have.
In the same way that some use religion and fear to control people, we can use spirituality to develop righteous and responsible members of our community. Children are naturally more spiritual and when we confirm their gifts and feelings we make Spirit even more real and important to them. The morals and values that children learn will affect the way they relate to themselves and others in their future. Spirituality teaches us to live in a righteous and positive way. Spirituality shows us that we are not alone, but that we are connected to all. Sharing this thought process will create an attitude of abundance as opposed to lack. It creates the mindset that we can accomplish what we set out to, when we do right. Spirituality helps us to feel our power as we call on the forces and see them working in our lives, it develops our spiritual powers even more. When we work with Spirit we become more aware of our own Spirit and our psychic powers. When ones feel empowered, they are usually more successful at achieving their goals. Our intuition is a psychic power that is important to develop. It is meant to assist us as we move thru our lives. It will help us make the best choices and decisions for ourselves. It can also stop us from doing something harmful to ourselves and others. When we teach our youth to listen and follow their intuition, we know they are connecting to the higher part of themselves and the guidance is in alignment with the higher forces. Therefore the decisions will also be made in alignment with the higher forces. The europeans separated church from state, however our ancestors did not separate spirituality from anything nor any aspect of life. We saw the spirit in all things and therefore were able to live in harmony with all things. This is what we want to see our community come back to again. Our ancestors left the laws of MAAT and many stories to teach us how we should live. They show us how spirit is in all living things and that there are different aspects of ourselves that must be developed. The physical, the mental, the emotional and spiritual bodies are all aspects that we must develop and maintain from the time that we are young and throughout our lifetime. We see the importance of living in MAAT and raising our children to know MAAT. The attributes of MAAT are also some very good foundations for one to build their business on. For example order is crucial for the management of a business. Truth in ones words and actions is necessary for any entrepreneur to establish within their personal and business life. This spiritual consciousness will have a profound and very positive impact on our community. It will build stronger individuals who will develop stronger families, who will build a stronger community. When it comes to business, we will deal with morals so that we are in harmony with each other and the earth. We are sure to have more success and longevity with our businesses when our entrepreneurs are living with a spiritual foundation. As we are in the process of recreating and reshaping our community we are thankful for the opportunity to add the wisdom of our Ancient Ancestors into our lives and the lives of our children. Taking the time to share and teach our youth about Spirituality is a step toward nationbuilding and the true upliftment of our community. It will surely lead us to stronger, more productive and more successful businesses in our community as well. We are now in a new cycle... 2015. We are in the Age of Aquarius, the time said to bring about positive changes in the world. There have been so many things said about this time that we are living in, it is hard to keep up. However, if you are sensitive at all you should have felt some major changes going on in the last few years.
You may have noticed your health, body or skin changing. Most of all you should have made some type of paradigm shift in your level of consciousness. Whether it is a health or spiritual shift you are experiencing know that it is all part of the divine plan. We are all going through certain tests and experiences to get the lessons and strength that we will need for the coming times. In fact if you have not felt any changes you need to catch up. Everything is changing and it is evident in the change in weather pattern we have seen over the last few years. We are being called to evolve (like E.Badu said) . Think about that and what that means to you. Then take some time (if you have not already done it) to sit and write down some serious intentions for yourself for 2015. Setting intentions is a little more powerful and direct then setting resolutions, and they key is to add the ritual to it. After you write your intentions say them aloud a few times then set them on your altar or sacred space under a candle for the first 30 days. Choose one day of the week, at least, to say your intentions a few times, say them with passion. It is the passion that adds the extra power needed to make things happen. So say them like you really want to bring these things into fruition. After 30 days you can choose to keep your list on your altar or in another space where you would keep personal papers. At the end of the year check your list and give thanks for all that you were able to accomplish. May you reach all of your goals and intentions in the most benevolent way in 2015. Love and blessings Nia |
AuthorNia Yaa, founder of Ra Sekhi Arts Temple...we are here to promote health and wellness....natural MAAT Archives
January 2016